Lawn Fertilizer Services

Our fertilization program will promote a green, thick and healthy turf that can better withstand heavy traffic and the stresses of drought, disease, and insects. Our customized fertilizer applications are granular or liquid depending on the application.

Fertilizer Treatments

Great Greens Lawn Care considers many factors when applying fertilizers. The key elements are how much product to use, what kind of fertilizer and when to apply it. Timing is critical when fertilizing lawns in the Aurora – Naperville area. Depending on your lawn quality and plan, our customized plans include season-long fertilizer applications, pre-emergent, weed control, grub control, fungal disease control, core aeration, overseeding, and winterizer. If your lawn is in bad shape, we recommend our lawn renovation services that will fix bare spots, weeds, lack of color, and lawn density. Our renovation services include core aeration, power raking, overseeding, top dressing with compost and lime applications.

Lawn Treatment Program

Great Greens Lawn Fertilizing Program schedule runs from early spring to late fall. Your first application normally consists of a pre-emergent application that will prevent the germination of weed seeds, and provide a high Nitrogen application to encourage color and turf growth.

Application Approx Date
1. Pre-emergent/fertilizer 4th week of March – 1st week of April
2. Fertilizer plus spot weed control 3rd Week of May – 4th week of May
3. Fertilizer/grub control plus spot weed control 4th week of June – 1st week of July
4. Fertilizer plus weed control 2nd week of August – 3rd week of August
5. Fertilizer plus spot weed control 3rd week of September – 4th week of September
6. Winterizer/fertilizer plus spot weed control 1st week of November – 2nd week of November

If your lawn has lots of weeds a fall pre-emergent application may be needed. A pre-emergent application will not affect any established turf. Pre-emergents should be applied when air temperatures reach 60–70°F for four consecutive days.

We are adamant about protecting our customers, their families, our employees, the environment and our reputation, we only use the highest quality products.