What’s the correct mowing height for Kentucky Bluegrass?

Kentucky Bluegrass should be mowed between 3″ and 3.5″ inches.

Maintaining grass height is essential in creating a good-looking, healthy lawn. Grass needs to be cut and nurtured on regularly following specific criteria. Lush, beautiful lawns don’t happen by accident. They are the product of diligent, organized care.

Why grass height is important?

Lawns mown too short are susceptible to weed invasions and disease. Decreased surface area reduces the amount of food the grass can produce to meet its’ needs. During this time, droughts, excessively high temperatures, and regular wear-use can have severe impacts on the health of the grass. It can die off without enough reserves or protection.

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Mowing Kentucky Bluegrass.

Leaving the grass too high creates an environment where diseases are more likely to take hold. The lawn will mat and becomes the perfect harbor for pests to settle.

Improperly mowed lawns also don’t look good aesthetically. The health of the grass improves when mowed at the appropriate height for the type of grass.

Related: How to turn your lawn into a garden.

The correct height improves root structures, which in turn protects the grass during times of stress, drought, or pest problems. Best of all, a healthy lawn means less work and less stress for the homeowner. Proper maintenance reduces the need for chemical fertilizers, insect sprays, pest removal, turf reseeding, and emergency restoration and patch mending.

Kentucky Bluegrass lawn specifications

One of the most popular grass choices, Kentucky Bluegrass, yields deep, dense, lush, medium blue-green, or dark-green turf. It is a cool-weather perennial grass that adapts well to varying climates, temperatures, and soils. There are several varieties of Kentucky Bluegrass with diverse textures, densities, colors, and hardiness ratings. Kentucky Bluegrass requires proper mowing, regular fertilizer feedings, and should be mowed at the right height.

Related: Spring lawn care tips.

Tips for mowing Kentucky Bluegrass:

  • During the Spring and Fall, mow grass to a height of 2.5″ – 3″ inches.
  • During the Summer, mow grass to a height of 3″ – 3.5″ inches.
  • Only mow when needed and do not let your grass grow over 8″.

Tips for Kentucky Bluegrass Care

  • Fertilize grass at least 4 times during the growing season.
  • Never mow grass when it is wet.
  • Do not remove more than 1/3 of the grass in one cutting. If the grass is especially tall, do several mowings to reach the desired height.
  • Mow the lawn as needed. It is common to do the mowing on a set weekly schedule, but this doesn’t take into account the specific needs of the lawn during changing seasons. In the Spring, grass grows faster, and it needs cutting more frequently. Often, it will need to be cut twice a week during this time. In the summer and fall, it doesn’t grow as fast, and mowing can be reduced.
  • Let the clippings lie. There is no need to gather up grass clippings if the appropriate schedule of mowing is being followed. Mowing as needed and cutting 1/3 or less each time will create clippings that can easily be decomposed back into the lawn. Lawn clippings give nutrients like nitrogen back to the soil and lessen the need for chemical fertilizers.
  • Always cut the lawn with a sharp mower blade. Dull blades yank at the grass instead of cutting and can pull it up by the roots. This creates damaged areas and unsightly, unhealthy patches. Blades usually need to be sharpened twice a year.
  • Alternate mowing directions. Repeatedly mowing the grass in one direction pushes it down and prevents it from being cut cleanly. Lawns can also become compacted by the mower, always following the same tracks.