• Overgrown grass, takes more time to mow/trim and blow and equals extra cost, therefore, extra charges. If your lawn is overgrown you will be charged 2.5 times the weekly rate for the initial or mowing.
  • We love pets,however please make sure your pets are inside when we service your property. If your pet is outside we will not enter to service the area your pet is contained in and no refund will be given or credited. Our crew is not prepared or trained to dispose of dog waste and will not pick it up. They will simply cut over it. Please collect any pet waste before your property is service and help us avoid cross-contamination.
  • If your gate is locked and we can’t unlock it, we will not service the area contained by the locked gate. No refund will be given or credited.
  • Help us to do the best possible job, please pick up hoses, toys, dog leashes, etc. from the lawn.
  • In the event of heavy rain, scheduled accounts will be rescheduled for the following day. For safety reasons, we prefer to reschedule than have our crew be in an unsafe environment.
  • We are not responsible for:
    Wear and tear to mailbox posts, fences, swing sets and play boxes made of wood that are not protected by a bed or plastic cover. Siding that sits very close to the ground. Damage to trees and other plants that are not protected by a surrounding bed or tree wrap.